Article 00464

Truefitt & Hill Gentleman's Beard Balm

CHF 32.00 inkl. MwSt.


Preis/100ml: CHF64.00

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Our new beard balm has been developed as an alternative to our beard oil. This water-based product is designed to provide a matte finish that allows for a more modern look. Our new formula offers a clear alternative to Truefitt & Hill's beard oil and making it an ideal styling product. The beard balm formulation also has the added benefit of containing citrus to infuse the natural beard oils and to help keep the beard smelling fresh and - with a citrus scent.

To achieve optimum results, a small amount of the beard balm should be rubbed vigorously between the palms of the hands before application. This not only helps to warm up the formulation, but also ensures even application and and a clear hold.


Fresh, fruity, spicy, citrusy



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Customer reviews


2 Bewertungen für Truefitt & Hill Gentleman’s Beard Balm

  1. Andreas T. (Verifizierter Besitzer)

    Riecht gut, bändigt meinen störrischen Bart :-)

  2. Raymond S. (Verifizierter Besitzer)

    Excellent service pour ce produit qui est particulièrement agréable.

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