Article RCom03

Mühle Unisex safety razor Companion for body and Face

CHF 44.00 inkl. MwSt.


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COMPANION - Safety razor for body shaving and Face shaving, unisex, with hanging cord in the color blue

unisex safety razor for body shaving and face shaving with patented* razor head

Closed comb with gently adjusted blade angle for low risk of injury

Easy to use and Ideal for beginners

Non-slip grip structure in fingerprint design

made of metal and satin chrome finish

Replaceable hanging cord in the color blue

sustainable and plastic-free - good alternative to disposable and system razors, complete absence of plastic in the product and packaging packaging

* patent pending




closed comb, slicer/safety razor



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2 Bewertungen für Mühle Unisex-Rasierhobel Companion für Körper und Gesicht

  1. Patrick A.

    Rasoir très pratique inox avec un molletage suffisant du manche pour qu’il ne glisse pas. Tête assez large ce qui rend les finitions autour du nez un peu laborieuses. L’embout qui tient la boucle pour l’accrocher grince et cliquète.

  2. Michael S.

    Einfache Handhabung ,schönes Desing guter Grip
    ideal für Beginner

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